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Course overview
Basic B. Sc. Nursing course at Dr. PDNI, Amravati started in the academic year 2007-08 with a vision to cater quality and excellence in nursing education to the candidates from vidarbha region especially from areas of poor and backward sections.
The course of study leading to Basic B. Sc. Nursing is a full time degree program comprises of four completed academic years including research work and internship. Admission procedure shall be based on the guidelines of Admission Regulating Authority, Mumbai and Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nasik.
Program Outcome
The Program is designed to prepare the student nurses to develop critical thinking skills, competencies and standards that required to practice in ever changing health care setting through in depth integration of theory, practice and research, so the graduate registered nurse (RNRM) can assume the role as nurse clinician, ward supervisor, manager, nurse teacher and many more in different health care system.
Program Specific Outcome
The graduate with B.Sc. Nursing degree Course will be able to -
apply knowledge from physical, biological and behavioral sciences, medicine, including alternatives system and nursing in providing nursing care to individual, families and communities.
demonstrate understanding of life style and other factors, which affect health of individuals
demonstrate critical thinking skill in making decisions in all situations in order to provide quality care.
utilize the latest trend and technology in providing health care.
provide comprehensive health services in line with the national health policies and programs.
practice within the framework of code of ethics and professional conduct and acceptable standards of practice within the legal boundaries.
communicate effectively with others in order to promote effective IPR and teamwork.
demonstrate skills in teaching to individuals and groups in clinical/community health settings.
participate effectively as member of the health team in health care delivery system.
demonstrate leadership and managerial skills in clinical/community health settings.
conduct need based research studies in various setting and utilize the research findings to improve the quality of care.
demonstrate awareness, interest and contribute towards advancement of self and of the profession.
Course Curriculum and Course outcome
I YEAR | Theory | Subject | Hours | Evaluation | ||
Attendance | IA Marks | University Exam | ||||
Anatomy and physiology | 60 | 80% | 25 | 75 | ||
Nutrition and biochemistry | 90 | 80% | 25 | 75 | ||
Nursing foundations | 465 | 80% | 25 | 75 | ||
Psychology | 60 | 80% | 25 | 75 | ||
Microbiology | 60 | 80% | 25 | 75 | ||
Practical | Nursing foundations | 450 | 100% | - | 100 | |
II YEAR | Theory | Sociology | 60 | 80% | 25 | 75 |
Pharmacology | 45 | 80% | 25 | 75 | ||
Pathology and genetics | 45 | 80% | 25 | 75 | ||
Medical surgical nursing – I | 210 | 80% | 25 | 75 | ||
Community health nursing – I | 90 | 80% | 25 | 75 | ||
CET | 90 | 80% | 25 | 75 | ||
Practical | Medical surgical nursing – I | 720 | 100% | - | 100 | |
Community health nursing – I | 135 | 100% | - | 100 | ||
III YEAR | Theory | Medical surgical nursing – II | 120 | 80% | 25 | 75 |
Child health nursing | 90 | 80% | 25 | 75 | ||
Mental health nursing | 90 | 80% | 25 | 75 | ||
OBG – I | 90 | 80% | 25 | 75 | ||
Practical | Medical surgical nursing – II | 270 | 100% | - | 100 | |
Child health nursing | 270 | 100% | - | 100 | ||
Mental health nursing | 270 | 100% | - | 100 | ||
IV YEAR | Theory | OBG – II | - | 80% | 25 | 75 |
Community health nursing – I | 90 | 80% | 25 | 75 | ||
Research and statistics | 45 | 80% | - | - | ||
Nursing education and management | 90 | 80% | 25 | 75 | ||
Practical | OBG – II | 180 | 100% | - | 100 | |
Community health nursing – I | 135 | 100% | - | 100 |
On completion of First Year Basic B.Sc. Nursing the students will be able to -
understand the concepts of biologigcal science, behavioral science and basic principles of nursing.
demonstrate skill in therapeutic diet, biochemical assessment and basic nursing procedures.
appreciate the nursing care services, nursing care procedures, holistic approach, communication and interpersonal relationship.
On completion of Second Year Basic B.Sc. Nursing the students will be able to -
understand the concepts of social science, preparation/uses/dosage of drugs, primary health care and its principles, disease condition and its pathology and advanced nursing care in secondary & tertiary level.
demonstrate skill in drug administration, diagnosis and treatment, nursing care plan and procedures.
appreciate the principles involed in drug administration, diagnosis and treatment, nursing care plan and procedures.
On completion of Third Year Basic B.Sc. Nursing the students will be able to -
understand the concepts of abnormal psychology, child health and illness, communicable disease condition & its pathology and advanced nursing care.
demonstrate skill in management of mentally iil patients, nursing care of children, diagnosis and prevention of communicable diseases.
appreciate the abnormal psychology, child health and illness, communicable diseases and advanced nursing care.
On completion of Final Year Basic B.Sc. Nursing the students will be able to -
understand the concepts of Health Care Delivaery System, National Health programs, Nursing education & management and basic principles of research and statistics.
demonstrate skill in health survey & community diagnosis, services of National Health Schemes, Health education & teaching learning methods and leadership qualities.
appreciate the principles involved community diagnosis, services of National Health Schemes and teaching learning technologies.
Eligibility criteria for admission
Minimum 17 years in age on or before 31st December of respective year of admission.
Medically fit
10+2 pass or its equivalent recognized by competent authority in science branch. A candidate should have passed in the subjects of PCB and English individually and must have obtained a minimum of 45% marks taken together in PCB. Candidate belonged to backward class, the marks obtained in PCB taken together is minimum 40% instead of 45%.
No parallel / simultaneous attendance in other course during Basic B. Sc. Nursing