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Shri Shivaji Education Society,Amravati's


Amravati, Maharashtra state - 444603

(Affiliated to MNC & MSBNPE Mumbai, MUHS Nashik and INC New Delhi)

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Strategic Plan/Academic Calendar

Before commencement of Academic Session, the Strategic Plan of Course Curriculum (theory & practical subject) shall be prepared based on Academic Calendar, Program Specific Outcome (PSO) and Course Outcome (CO).

Placement: Nursing Foundations I year B. Sc. (N) Course
Subject: Theory & Practical Total Prescribed Hours :          
Allotment of Teaching Learning System (TLS) Method of Evaluation
Allotment of teaching learning hours for lecture method Class test / room test
Allotment of teaching learning hours for lecture cum demonstration method Performance Appraisal of demonstration
Allotment of teaching learning hours for discussion and method of evaluation Observation method
Total number of individual method of learning to be planned for; assignment, nursing care study, nursing care plan, individual health education, case presentation etc. Valuation of care plans and assignments
Total number of group method of learning to be planned for; nursing conference, nursing rounds, group discussion etc. Observation method and teachers diary
Number of exam to be planned for CIE Mid-term & Pre-final Exam