0721-2551164 / 0721-2552264 | pdeshmukh070@gmail.com | Caste Discrimination Complaint form
Vishaka Committee
In order to deal with complaints about Sexual Harassment to female employees at work place, the institute has established Vishaka Committee. The Vishaka guidelines stipulated by Supreme Court of India are displayed in all prominent places of institute with Help Line numbers and Drop Box for assistance. The Vishaka Committee meetings are being held regularly to discuss the issues, if any.
Staff Welfare Measures
As per labor law of India, the institute has Staff Welfare Committee to discuss and set forth the facilities and amenities in and around the work place for better life, economic betterment, better social status and other measures to the employees. Some of our Staff Welfare Measures are – Provident Fund, Health Scheme, Stability of Tenure, Promotions & Increments, adequate physical facilities, Festival Advance etc.